We are SHAC
SHAC stands for Sexual Health And Contraception

We are here to help
You can ask us anything about, sex, contraception and relationships

If you tell us you have a learning disability we can:
- Give you easy read information
- Help you to fill out forms
- Find a quiet place to sit
- Give you extra time
- Make space for a friend or support worker
How to contact SHAC:

Book an appointment
Tel: 01273 523388
SHAC East – Claude Nicol Centre
Outpatients Department
Royal Sussex County Hospital
Eastern Road, Brighton. BN2 5BE
Web: SHAC East

Walk in appointments
SHAC Central – Morley Street
Morley Street, Brighton. BN2 9RE
You may have to wait or come back later. Phone or check the website for clinic times.
Web: SHAC Central

Outreach support
If you are at risk of unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections and cannot access SHAC in person you can ask for outreach support from the clinic.
Tel: 01273 523388 option 2
Web: Outreach nursing
Useful Easy Read guides about sexual health and relationships:

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
HIV: 5 HIV Facts
HIV PrEP: What is PrEP?
Chlamydia: Testing for chlamydia
Hepatitis: What is hepatitis?

Talking about sex

Web: My Body, My Choice

Keeping safe online
Web: Keeping safe online using the internet and social media


This resource was made with the Speak Out Link Group and Jane, Learning Disability Health Facilitator.