All material on this website, including text, graphics, and photographs, is copyright of Brighton & Hove Sexual Health and Contraception Service unless otherwise stated.
Text and graphics may be freely reproduced for personal, educational, or private research use. However, all text and graphics, including photographs and the Brighton & Hove Sexual Health and Contraception Service logo, contained on the website are not authorised for any purposes unless permission is first obtained from Brighton & Hove Sexual Health and Contraception Service.
We work hard to ensure that the information on our website is accurate, complete, and kept up to date. However, medical knowledge is constantly changing, and we cannot guarantee that all the information is accurate and consistent with current NHS practice.
Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk.
We regularly check the performance of our website but, we cannot guarantee that the site will be uninterrupted or error free.
Brighton & Hove Sexual Health and Contraception Service accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused because of patients, staff or members of the public using the site.
Brighton & Hove Sexual Health and Contraception Service provides links from this website to other sites to provide you with extra information. We cannot guarantee that such links will always work and make no representations about the quality or accuracy of these sites.
Brighton & Hove Sexual Health and Contraception Service does not endorse any external sites and is not responsible for their content.
We welcome and encourage other websites to our website, but you must get permission if you want to say your website is associated with us.
Website maintenance
This website is maintained by the Brighton & Hove Sexual Health and Contraception Service communications team.
Please contact us if you have any comments about the content of this website.