How we can help
Memory difficulties can be caused by stress, sleeping difficulties, mental health problems or an illness affecting how your brain processes information.
In the Orange Clinic you will have several assessments that will help us to:
- Better understand your symptoms
- Track any changes in your symptoms
Who is this service for?
The clinic is available to all people living with HIV in the South-East of England who have cognitive concerns, or memory difficulties where the referring team would like help with diagnosis and/or management.
If you are a patient and would like to be referred, please speak to your HIV physician or nurse.
We accept referrals from any healthcare professional involved in a patient’s care. If you are a healthcare professional who would like to refer a patient, please email us.
Where is this clinic?
The Orange clinic is held at the Lawson Unit.
What to expect at an appointment
You should plan to be at the clinic for four hours in all. As you will be there for a few hours, you will need to bring some lunch. One of the staff can help you if you have any difficulties with this, and we might be able to provide a lunch box.
During the time you are with us we will:
- Review your medical record including the tests and treatments you have had
- Complete a number of questionnaires designed to assess your mood, common difficulties and your medical condition. We will also look at how memory problems may be affecting your daily activities and quality of life
- Carry out a psychological assessment covering a number of different brain functions including: concentration, memory and problem-solving. Some of the tasks are pen and paper exercises and questionnaires and others involve solving puzzles. We will decide which tasks to give you based on your history, medical notes and discussion with others involved in your care. You may feel that some of the tasks are not very relevant to your current difficulties, but each is specially designed to help us build a complete picture of your strengths and weaknesses
- Do a medical assessment to evaluate your current problems and concerns
- Plan further investigations, treatment and support that might be helpful, following a discussion with the whole team about the findings of the assessment