First step
If it’s your first time booking an online appointment with us you will need to create your online account to book through the portal.
We are a free and confidential NHS service, all patient records must be kept separate. Use your details when registering so we can contact you with your results.
When you have an online account
Our online appointment booking service is accessed through the login portal:
LoginAppointments you can book online
Some of our appointments are not available to book online
If you don’t see what you are looking for in the list of appointments displayed in the portal then don’t book an appointment in other clinics. If you do, you may be turned away at your appointment and be asked to rebook.
If you are not sure which appointment to book visit ‘Find the right appointment’.
All of our booked appointments are at SHAC East.
General sexual health and contraception
Please only book into a general sexual health and contraception appointment if:
- You don’t need help urgently
- You don’t need a complex procedure such as an IUD or Implant, Cervical screening or cap fitting.
Log in and select Appointments, then Sexual Health, then General Sexual Health and Contraception Clinic
Treatment Clinic
Please only book a Treatment Clinic appointment if:
- If you are due for a contraceptive injection (Depo–Provera or Sayana Press) and you’ve had one before
- If you’ve recently had ‘cryotherapy’ (freeze treatment for warts) and were asked to book an appointment for follow-up treatment
- If you’ve recently had a vaccination for hepatitis A, hepatitis B or HPV and were asked to book an appointment for a further injection.
Log in and select Appointments, then Sexual Health, then Treatment Clinic
Cervical screening
This clinic is only for cervical smears and it is not possible to address other contraception & sexual health issues during these appointments, for this you will need to book a separate appointment.
You need to have your NHS number and add it to the free text box on the appointment screen. We will also need you GP details, these can be added to the clinic registration tab.
Please only book a cervical screening appointment if:
- Your smear test is due
Log in and select Appointments, then Sexual Health, then Cervical Screening
Clinic M
Please only book an appointment at Clinic M if:
- You are a man who has sex with men
Log in and select Appointments, then Sexual Health, then Clinic M
When you visit us, or create on online account, we allocate you a unique clinic number which is how you are identified on your patient record.
To access your patient record and book you an appointment the personal details you use to log in to your online account need to exactly match the information on your patient record.
If you can’t remember which email you used to register
If you have an online account with us but can’t remember which email address you gave when registering, call us on 01273 523388
If you’ve forgotten your password
Click “Forgot password”. You’ll receive an email with a new temporary password and a text message with a verification code. Follow the instructions in the email. The email may be in your junk folder.
If you still can’t access your online account
Please complete the Online account enquiries form.