Since April 2015 the Claude Nicol Centre and Morley Street Clinic have become an integrated Sexual Health & Contraception (SHAC) service offering a range of booked and 'walk-in and wait' appointments.

LGBT support

LGBT support

Services for people that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or other terms linked to the LGBT spectrum

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Reversible contraception

Reversible contraception

Contraception is free in the UK and can help prevent pregnancy. There are many different methods to choose from that can be stopped or removed when no longer required

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HIV testing

HIV testing

Treatment of HIV is now very advanced and there are many benefits to testing and knowing your status early

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An STI that can pass through sexual contact, including oral sex. Untreated it can cause serious health problems

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HIV care

HIV care

The Lawson Unit is the name of our world renowned specialist centre for HIV treatment, support & ongoing care for people living with HIV

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